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Old 05-31-2007, 08:28 PM   #22
Franklin Pierce
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Minnesota
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Originally Posted by duck_duck View Post
The average american may not be more violent than anybody else but level of violence is higher than other first world nations. There is something wrong there. I know you americans are patriotic but stop denying reality.
I have told you why there is more violence in America than in the first-world countries. Of course there is something wrong but you can't blame a whole country for the mistake of a few people.

There is nothing ignorant about that at all. You let millions of uneducated and unskilled workers flood your border despite the law. That is an invasion.
If you can come up with a solution I would love to hear it.

You do nothing serious to stop it but argue about it instead. You even allow the invaders to protest in your streets waving their flag!
How is that bad?

Your government is ineffective in this area. Perhaps due to corruption.
Every government is corrupt.

Your opinions have deadlocked you into uselessness.
No, it is other reasons why we are not getting to a solution.

The fact nothing was done about it and it was allowed to happen again says something about the american justice system.
Once again you are taking an isolated incident and blaming it on the entire country.

It isn't about superiority. I make criticism about america because I lived there. I have seen it for myself. Americans assume any criticism is bashing and nothing more.
Whether you know it or not your tone comes off like you are looking down upon the United States. That is superiority. Just because you lived here for two years or however long doesn't make you an expert on America.

I do not assume all criticism is bashing. I am one of the most heavy United States criticizers here but it is to change the way we live not look down upon it. The way you worded it makes it sound like bashing.
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