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Old 05-30-2007, 10:42 AM   #11
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Seattle
Posts: 27,063
Hmmm... must be bs. :p

So, the saga of the radiator ended happily. I chose the pipe tape, after futzing around with the o rings, dropping them, breaking them, cross crucifying them.. grrrr. I gave up. Wrapped a couple of turns on the pipe tape on the nipple on the hard line, and as I started to back out the brass coupler between the atf hard line and the radiator (the top one, right there, in broad daylight) it slipped and I dropped it. Crap.

Click, clank, nothing. I didn't hear it hit the pavement. I can *see* the pavement. No coupler. Peer under the car. Nothing. Lay down on the pavement with my cheek on the street and my eyeball an inch off the deck. Nuttin. Hmm. Dropped into here? There? I started taking parts off the car the get at places with my fingers that the coupler might have made its way into. I take parts off for TWO HOURS poking around. Nothing nowhere no way. I dropped it directly into the g-d twilight zone.

I sat down on the curb to recharge my supply of curse words. Where did it go? I couldn't proceed without it, since it changed threads from the hardline to the radiator. I was picking at the grass and I saw a toy of SonofV's--a lucky rabbit's foot. Well, what was left of it anyway. Our new dog got hold of it and ate it. Everything but the little brass knuckle that the keychain fits through. [Epiphany!] I picked up that little brass knuckle with the tiny rabbit bones poking out through the remaining tufts of hair and put it right at the connection point on the radiator. And dropped it. Clink clank nothing. But this time I was watching!

I followed it down and saw where it took a right turn into neverneverland, put my hand in there and found it! And the coupler! It had bounced horizontally and landed on top of the front crossmember. Yay!! I guess there was a little bit of luck left in that rabbit's foot after all!
Be Just and Fear Not.
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