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Old 05-29-2007, 08:25 PM   #56
The future is unwritten
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Originally Posted by tw View Post
Screw those who would otherwise make America so productive. That is Bruce's reasoning.
tw lies. That is neither what I think or what I wrote. Bring in what we need, but DOCUMENT them. Is that so fucking hard to comprehend?
Makes no difference if the worker is a corporate worker, engineer, hedge trimmer, or a nanny. If they are employed, then the employer must collect government paper work - or also be illegal. Bruce, et al conveniently forget that to justify hate of immigrants.
Earth to tw, you are stating what the rules are, which are routinely ignored. If they all followed the rules, they wouldn't be here in the first place. And stick the hate card up your ass, it is not your prerogative to tell me who I hate.
Fix the laws and ignore the hate promoted by Bruce.
Hey, what did I tell you about that? Strike two.
So what is this dream world? It is also called reality. The only way a regular employee can be paid in cash - no withholding or no government filings - is when the employer is also acting illegal. Even homeowners with nannies must file government tax forms for that employee - if all laws must be imposed and justify Bruce's draconian attitude.
Bruce - tw, I'm taking your car... and your wallet.
tw - But, but, (17 paragraphs/Nixon/Vietnam/mental midget) it's against the law!
Bruce - Don't be so draconian. After all, your stuff isn't something important... like the country.
Where illegals are employed regularly, then taxes are withheld. Where illegals are not paying taxes, well, we only have stupid laws (and those who love those stupid laws) for creating that problem.
Yeah, I'm not paying any more taxes, because it's a stupid law.
In every case, its not the illegal immigrants that are the problem. The problem are so many who just hate immigrants and the hide behind phony reasoning such as "because it is the law". More important should be "because we need them". Anything less is the 'dream world' reasoning that Bruce is posting.
The only thing phony is you, and your 'dream world', where if the law is inconvenient just ignore it. Don't bother to change the law to a better one, we can trust everyone to only ignore laws that are stupid. Sure Tinkerbell, you and Peter come back and visit sometime.
Drive out the illegal immigrants - and the local economy goes recessionary. Why? Those illegals represent a most productive part of America's economy and the source of America's most productive future workers.
I'd be pretty productive, if I had to work under 1907 conditions, where the bossman has my balls in his vest pocket. And I'm not sure if I'll get them back and the end of the day. No, your name is not Jose, it's Toby now.
Why do we not let car thieves use the cars? Because unlike illegal immigrants, car thieves are not some of America's most productive workers and most important for America's future.
Don't worry about the car thieves, they are allowed to ignore any laws they feel are stupid.

When a Nation of Laws, selectively enforces those Laws for corporate gains, the rest of the nation will follow suit in losing all respect for the law. Then, no longer ruled by law, what will fill that void? A King? A dictator? Your crazy Uncle tw? You better hope not.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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