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Old 05-16-2007, 04:22 PM   #1
The Prodigal Brat Returneth
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: North Cackalacky
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Food Stamp Challenge

I stumbled across this story on BoingBoing today, and am left wondering if this is being done because the participating politicians really _do_ care about what their constituents are going through, or if it's merely a ploy for gaining votes. (Not sure who's running this fall, and I haven't had time to check yet). (I'm leaning towards the gaining votes angle, but a part of me really wants to hope it's true)

21.00 a week. That's all they have to live on - because they're trying to budget for their meals using the amount of money that the government gives the average food stamp recipient. That's certainly not a lot of money - considering most people spend that on one trip out to dinner with a friend.

Here are stories with additional information, along with links to the blogs of the two Congresscritters that are detailing what they're doing:

BoingBoing Story
Washington Post Story
Food Stamp Challenge Blog
Tim Ryan's Blog

I know that we've had a few Cellarites who have lived on this pittance from the government (Mari is the one that comes to mind) and have told us how difficult it is. However, is doing this while living in expensive houses, and driving expensive cars really going to hammer the point home? Or should we move these 'do gooders' into sub par housing and make them get around with public transportation so they can "REALLY" see what it's like?
The Constitution gives every American the right to make a total fool out of himself. But that doesn't mean you need to.

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