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Old 05-01-2007, 12:40 PM   #1
Hoodoo Guru
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 304
sincere apologies

i returned from a conference to find my account here has either been hacked, or someone somehow got access to the cellar through my computer, or someone at the cellar has messed with my posts.
the insults and name calling in various threads WERE NOT ME! ive had no cause to act like that, and i particularly want to apologise to Bruce.

my step - dad was an American war hero (we disagreed on many things but had the utmost respect for each other), RKZenrage is a good online friend of mine, and i regularly chat with American friends on other forums etc.

I am NOT anti - American. i readily admit to being anti - American Administration, but i feel thats balanced by my equal dislike of our UK government.

i completely understand if the mods / admin decide to ban me.
Atheist n A person to be pitied in that he is unable to believe things for which there is no evidence, and who has thus deprived himself of a convenient means of feeling superior to others.
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