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Old 04-21-2007, 03:30 AM   #74
Adam Clarke
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 5
Merc, you never did answer the question about how you can deal with your kids when you snap and go all off the handle at Ibram, someone you never met, and only know on a meesage board.

BTW, calling his parents idiots for trusting him, calling him a "bi confused fag", and refusing to address his statements, and only insult him with homophobic comments? Not your best hour.

And Ibram, you were out of line calling Merc a "Mother fucking asshole". How he raises his kids is his business, not yours. Until you have kids of your own, you don't know what all goes into it.

My kids (2 girls, 7 and 9) were always fine on the internet. I always told them that they had to be careful, just like they knew not to give out information on the phone. Of course, I had the advantage of keeping the computer in the living room, where the wife and I could keep an eye on them.
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