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Old 04-21-2007, 12:08 AM   #67
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Savannah, Georgia
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Originally Posted by SadistSecret View Post
You don't have to be a parent to know how to raise children.

My mother isn't the greatest at raising children. I should know, as I've had to raise my brother myself. I've been cooking since I was 10, and pretty much running the house since I was 14. Don't tell me you need to have children of your own to know what's best. My parents really never did anything, they let me surf the net by myself without keyloggers and spyware (even though I know more about computers than the both of them do), but I turned out just fine.

Don't burn the kid just because you're older. Age means nothing.
The only thing I can say is you are correct, the bottom line, and you know this is true, you are an acception, not the rule. The majority of famlies in the US have at least one parent who is parenting, not kids stepping up to the plate because their parents could not. None of this is the issue here. The issue is am I a "Mother-Fucking-Asshole" ( quote by Ibram) because I choose to monitor what goes on in my house on my computers by my kids???
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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