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Old 04-20-2007, 09:27 AM   #225
I just look like I'm listening
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Texas
Posts: 39
The US is NOT the most violent nation in the world for gun violence. There's a chart here: that lists firearm deaths per 100,000. The US comes in at 3.72/100,000 and interestingly enough Northern Ireland comes in at 5.24, Brazil at 10.58, Estonia at 8.07, Mexico at 9.88, and Italy, even at 1.88! Italy comes in at more than half what the US does, but I don't ever hear of anyone cancelling honeymoons to Italy or Ireland or trips to Carnivale because they are afraid of being shot.

It's your choice to live in fear. Duck duck, I've read enough of your drivel here that I sincerely hope that you never come back to my country. We have our problems, but your country has its own. With your head that firmly stuck in the sand, my only wish is that the internet didn't have subterranean reach.
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