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Old 04-19-2007, 09:33 PM   #4
Perry Winkle
Esnohplad Semaj Ton
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: A little south of sanity
Posts: 2,259
I absolutely do not. I'll spit gum out, or throw an apple core, or similar, into the weeds, but nothing else.

Some fuck-face in a Mercedes SUV about clocked me with a bag of McDonald's trash today, when I was riding to the grocery store. That's basically asking me to shove my bike pump down your throat.

It's not an environmental issue for me either. As a kid, if you came to my house to play and didn't help clean up, I hated you and probably would never ask you over again. I'm a vehement "clean your own mess up" person.
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