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Old 04-18-2007, 11:52 PM   #32
Franklin Pierce
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 3,695
How is driving a privilege and owning a gun a right? Driving actually has a purpose that can not be successfully duplicated in another way while there are other ways to protect yourself. Both guns and cars can be good when used correctly or horrific when used incorrectly. If you get into it, guns are much worse than cars. The main purpose of a car is transportation while the main, and only, purpose of a gun is to kill, whether for protection or not. So it is your right for everyone to possess something thats main purpose is to kill but it is a privilege to use something that can transport people but can result in injury and death if used incorrectly? I find this kind of backwards.

Who says it is your right to own a gun anyways? I'm sorry but the founding fathers is not a valid source. The times were so much different back then you can't even begin to compare. There weren't 31,000 fatal injuries from firearms in one year. There weren't semi-automatic handguns back then. An average joe could buy a weapon that could actually stand up to a well trained army. Not to mention the fact that dueling was a common practice back then and the founding fathers, Jefferson at least, were racist.

Originally Posted by Ibram
The two options are as follows:
Control guns more tightly and risk denying them to those that sorely need them, or
Control guns more loosely and risk giving them to people who will use them for ill.

While I loathe guns and personally, emotionally, non-rationally want them to be completely controlled in every way...

I have to go with the second one. I believe in always picking the freedom over the control. Just as I'd rather a thousand criminals go free than one innocent be put in prison, I'd rather a thousand criminals buy guns than one person in need of one be denied it.
Who sorely needs a gun? There are other ways to protect yourself and you could easily make very effective methods of protecting yourself without a gun out on the streets. If you instate restrictions the people who want guns can still get them, it just makes them harder to get.

Freedom is a funny thing because a freedom can affect two different people two completely different ways. Is it my right to drink and drive? Yes it is, but our society has decided to give up that freedom to protect innocent people. Is it my right to own someone else? Who says I can't? Society does so we take away that freedom to own someone else.
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