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Old 04-18-2007, 02:09 AM   #94
Soul Duck
Join Date: Apr 2007
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Posts: 485
Originally Posted by freshnesschronic View Post
Armed gangs? And the Triads are just shady business men? Your bullshit I can't stand anymore. I don't give a fuck where you're from the crime in America is not fucking rampant. I ask you to tell some casual city dwelling American who knows a shitload more than you about city life "is violence rampant in your city?" and he will tell you no. Why the fuck would he be LIVING in that city if there was rampant violence. If you think America has rampant violence then you DON'T want to go to mainland China (where you say you have no idea what it's like there) where police beat the shit out of civilians for looking at them the wrong way. Now that is an armed gang roaming the streets. Tell all the other dwellars here that America has rampant violence. The American ones will probably get a little offended if you just are going to label us all a bunch of thieves, thugs and murderers.
Oh give me a break. The triads do not roam the streets shooting people in the head for their purse or their car. The triads are a shadow of what they were before china took over. In america on the other hand, not a day goes by in an american city without gang violence. And you want to talk about police abuse? Are you saying that doesn't happen in america?? Also why are you telling me I know nothing about america when I live here yet you make claims about china and you have never lived there. Further more I didn't label all of you as criminals, I said your crime is rampant and I stand by that.
America is not a third world thug dictatorship so there is no excuse to have crime on the scale that you do.
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