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Old 04-13-2007, 07:19 AM   #525
Read? I only know how to write.
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Originally Posted by richlevy View Post
Uh TW, it's really a small point but my post read:
I did not realize I had perverted the quote. Don't know how it happened but my mistake is not relevant to the topic. I have no idea either how or why I would have perverted that quote so massively.

Points posted were facts related to your original post. Irrelevant is whether it contradicts or confirms what you posted. The situation: why so many generals have proclaimed "Mission Accomplished" as wrong for various reasons - including every general that served in Iraq and has since retired .... that fact remains.

Facts posted are the reality of our current history and therefore current situation. Because same mental midgets remain and continue to lie to us, then why would any general want to work for people whose "message" is more important than reality? Military professionals even list examples of dead soldiers because the "message" had no basis in reality. Specific examples of dead soldiers directly attributed to *the message*.

Everyone here should have long learned those lessons; be it from W E Deming's concepts (ie "Out of Crisis") or from Vietnam. Tactical victories are wasted efforts when conducted without a strategic objective. Quality control inspectors mean no quality. In each case, doing a better job means no victory; no accomplishment. - because the bigger picture is bogus; a lie.

Even if the enlisted man believes he is doing so much good, his perspective hides a reality: his good intentions are wasted when not contributing to a viable strategic objective. So many 2003 soldiers insisted they were doing so much good when reality was opposite. It was only creating an insurgency. They would not know - they could not see the bigger picture - the strategic objective that did not exist.

A general who fails to understand why the "message" has no basis in reality would take that Czar job. That job is a no win situation because a political agenda - wacko extremist bias - is subverting realities. No strategic objective is a well proven formula for defeat.

Vietnam is the classic example of why a war could not be won - why propaganda - the message - a political agenda - will only create more dead troops. The Vietnam War Memorial in Washington is a tribute to so many killed watefully because our leaders were so self serving and stupid - did not have the courage and intelligence to acknowledge reality. Vietnam dead because the president’s legacy was more important than 30,000 American lives.

Why would anyone want to work for people with so little intelligence, so little grasp, so little courage, and massive, self serving political agendas? Yes, what George Jr is doing borders on treason; with so much contempt for the American soldier.

As an MBA, then what is his solution? Another layer of bureaucracy? George Jr, an MBA without 'dirt under his fingernails', has a long history of solving problems with more bureaucracy and increased spending. He even denies our only viable solution - the Iraq Study Group.

A Czar will somehow accomplish what is supposed to be the job of Central Command? No. But then we have leaders so short on intelligence as to even increase a subordinates pay from $130,000 to about $195,000 per year just for sex (that is not considered as despicable bad as 'nappy headed ho'?). Just another example of how wacko the entire George Jr administration really is.

Why would any General want to work for people with so much contempt of the American soldier, American principles, and Americans? No wonder religious right extremists are so in love with these *leaders*.
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