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Old 04-06-2007, 03:46 PM   #146
Posts: n/a
I can't figure out what you are reading in my posts.
It is not for the religous... so no one is to be pissed-off. There is nothing in my video to piss off an atheist.

Sounds like some here are ultra-defensive about their atheist beliefs. Why do you feel the need to brandish them in such a manner?
I am upset about the separation of church and state's degradation in this nation, our children being at risk of being held back on the world stage of science because mental Neanderthals want to teach them pagan superstitions in school instead of actual science, because I must use money with god on it to live, because it is accepted for people to flaunt their religion but when I complain about blue laws and laws making it illegal for people of my beliefs to hold public office I am called names like whiner and extremest, our news stations pander to the metaphysical during the "holidays" with stories about things that have no bearing on the actual realities of this nation and world, our government is now using tax dollars to support religious causes in defiance of the founding notions of this nation and when speaking about it people seem to think it is not an issue worth discussing or doing anything about, the list is long and each is valid.

However... and AGAIN, which so many seem UNABLE to read... this is not for the theists, it is for other atheists alone. For us to feel and connect to our community.


Why are you unable to read this?

Last edited by rkzenrage; 04-06-2007 at 03:55 PM.
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