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Old 04-01-2007, 03:42 PM   #1
Hoodoo Guru
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 304
the Phelps Family / God hates everyone except them

im just watching Louis Theroux spending some time with the family of Reverend Phelps - the most hated family in America.
During one of their absurd roadside demonstrations, a passing car threw an object at them - understandable, but it hit one of the kids. then my thoughs were "what kind of person would knowingly indoctrinate their kids into a family whose faith was so full of bigotry, ignorance and hate, and expose them to the venom which they willingly endure?
i dont know enough to comment any further, but being labelled "the most hated family in America", some of you in the cellar must know something about this?
Atheist n A person to be pitied in that he is unable to believe things for which there is no evidence, and who has thus deprived himself of a convenient means of feeling superior to others.
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