Thread: Religion Topics
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Old 03-31-2007, 01:58 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by rkzenrage View Post
I have no issue with religion.
The degrading of the separation of church and state and the stepping-up of the bigotry against non-christians and the non-religious and one aspect of religion, teaching children that if they sin they will go to hell, which is child abuse, and using religion to further other forms of bigotry like racism/homophobia/misogynism are things I am against and enjoy discussing.
As long as someone does not use their religion to harm others... no sweat.
And as soon as you see something YOU think is wrong, you bring out the firehose and condemn every Christian in the world.

That ain’t the way religion works. There’s more flavors of Christians than you can count. It doesn’t make any difference what you think a particular flavor should or shouldn’t do. Christ couldn’t do it, who the hell do you think you are?

The Roman’s said the pope is the cat’s ass. The Greeks said bullshit we’re doing it our way, and still are.

The Romans said you gotta follow our rules, viola...Protestants.

Some said the Romans were only slightly wrong....Church of England.

It kept splitting and splitting, not because God said so, not because the bible changed, because people wanted their religion to reflect their beliefs not the other way around. Kids grew up being taught one way, although that way might change even in their childhood span. If they couldn’t get comfortable with that way, they either followed their own conscience within it or left that sect. They might even leave Christianity or religion entirely.

Pompous asses that Try to define strict rules and boxes for any flavor of Christianity, just don’t get it. They don’t have a clue how it works, can’t comprehend the people shape the religion not the other way around.

Don't tell me you studied them all, I'm not even beginning to buy that. All you find in textbooks is a snapshot of a living, breathing, seething mass. Memorize that book and you still don’t know shit.

Christianity isn’t the only religion of many flavors. Guess what, millions of people believe, and practice Buddhism as their religion. They worship the Dali Lama as a deity. You can claim they are wrong, they say you’re wrong. Their will shapes their beliefs and you don’t get tell them why they have to believe.

Islam seems to be broken down in to Sunni and Shia, but thats only the beginning. It depends on the school, the area, maybe village. They women wearing western dress, working in offices or shops aren't Muslim? The women in villages stoned for letting an ankle show aren't Muslims? Many flavors shaped by the opinions and prejudices of the people, not any god.

Telling a kid he's going to hell is child abuse? I suppose mom telling him she'll break his arm if he doesn't stay out of the cookies is too? Oh boo hoo, if that's the most traumatic thing that happens to him, he's doing better than most. Well, actually worse because he won't be able to handle the real world and will get his ass handed to him.

So when you start that broad brush you're full of shit.
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