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Old 01-24-2003, 07:48 PM   #1
Disorderly Orderly
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Northern Virginia/DC
Posts: 53
What ticks you off at work?

-- Ooops, it's supposed to be "ticks", not "tisks", I can't edit the subject title now, too late. -- mw

OK, what ticks you off at work? Not the "lazy co-worker" thing, not the bad boss thing, not the no raise or bonus thing...

The, "Who the hell spit in the water fountain?" type of thing.

What disgusting, irritating, un-nerving, kind of thing just irks the hell out of you at work?

Is it the co-worker who doesn't wash their hands after goin wee-wee? The guy who coughs up lung chunks (sorry)? Or the bitchy woman who is the cashier in the cafeteria?

What is it, who is it, and/or what do they do?

Rule: No real names of employees, if you are refering to one, we don't want to open ourselves up to that.

Why do I ask this?

I went to drink out of the water fountain today, and someone had spit in it. Why? Why do people spit in foutains? It's sick. Atleast wash it down. (No, I'll leave it for the next person to look at up close) Ick...

That's my beef for today, what's yours?

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or... the one. -- Spock

Last edited by mw451; 01-24-2003 at 08:47 PM.
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