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Old 03-21-2007, 01:30 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by TheMercenary View Post
Shit happens. I feel very sorry for the soldiers on the ground who were hit. I feel more sorry for the families left behind. Hopefully their military will take care of them. But good God you fucks stop making this out to be something it is not. This is the Fog of War, ...
Which justifies intentional coverup and lies? Yes, shit happens. And then we admit to the 'shit' so that it does not happen again. Why does 'shit keep happening'? When those in power are too busy denying it even happened or why it happened. This would be a zero topic had the US been honest with the victims.

When does a 'blue on blue' event get reported? When symptoms of a coverup appear. It's not the 'blue on blue' event that is the newsworthy. The coverup - denial of basic facts for years - that is the scandel.

Illiinois F-16s killed some Canadians in Afghanistan. Same story. It was not the event that made news. Missing (therefore major news) was the candid admission. Also worthy of mention - drug use that result in increased deadly mental errors during 'stress'.

How many of the 'blue on blue' events got reported. Almost none because most were not newsworthy. This is reeked of a coverup. That is news.
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