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Old 03-19-2007, 01:48 PM   #53
Traded your soul for pogs.
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Champaign, IL
Posts: 646
It's okay to express your pride to be white. I am proud to be white and not a member of the KKK or any other "fringe group."

The NAACP sometimes acts in the same manner as the KKK or other hate groups - hello, DISCRIMINATION is NEVER OKAY - even discrimination against white people... not cool.

Diversity is just a fancy way of saying it's okay to cut out the white kids.

The only cause that vegans succeed in promoting is the ability to be a pain in the ass.

There should be no more "Insert racial group/sex here" History Months. Those are just sad attempts to be inclusive that result in people being excluded. Why don't we have - Invention Month, Book Month, Food Month - etc. Make everyone feel included.

I think gender discrimination is a crock of crap.

If people want to hold themselves out as married, they should be held to the same standards as married people - file your taxes jointly, follow the same divorce procedures, etc. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Welfare should be abolished. No more handouts or handups. People should be forced to get off their lazy butts and do something about it... That's the great thing about the US is that you can do that - no one is going to stop you.

But the more I look at the other posts, I relize that maybe my views on race are not all that unpopular.
I love England, what can I say?
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