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Old 01-20-2003, 07:58 PM   #17
lobber of scimitars
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Re: "Wolf's right."

Originally posted by option
No, Wolf is wrong, as I've pointed out.

So, have you volunteered for the Army yet?

I mean, I'm assuming you're for the war. At any rate you seem pretty sure it will go smoothly. If you're against it, I've mistaken myself. But if you're for it, you're getting ready to go fight it, right?
No, we merely disagree.

We could both be right, we could both be wrong.

Frankly, I don't care one way or another. I'm just stating that there are other, equally valid viewpoints/interpretations.

But you are stating as an absolute something which is not.

I'm as big, or bigger, a conspiracy fan as the next guy ... but even I don't look for them behind every bush (or Pres. Bush ). (Although I am a proponent of the Flight 800 missile strike theory, and the Flight 93 shoot-down theory.)

As far as volunteering for the army, no, I haven't either. I'm not eligible for one, and I wouldn't take the cut in pay for another. I will support our troops in such an action, however. I have too many friends, past and present, in the military to do otherwise. Soldiers do a job that many of us are unwilling or unequipped to do. They don't make the wars, they just go and fight 'em. That distinction often gets blurred, and particularly with Vietnam, led to the returning soldiers being vilified by the protestors.

Yes, I support the war. I'd like to see Iraq resolved diplomatically, but I honestly don't see that as a viable option at this point. That would require rationality on BOTH sides, which clearly doesn't exist in Iraq, and I'm often not certain about "our" side.
wolf eht htiw og

"Conspiracies are the norm, not the exception." --G. Edward Griffin The Creature from Jekyll Island

High Priestess of the Church of the Whale Penis

Last edited by wolf; 01-20-2003 at 08:01 PM.
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