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Old 03-17-2007, 09:10 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2006
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Posts: 259
Unpopular opinions you hold

As it says in the title, what opinions do you have that most people seem to disagree with? I'd prefer not to get into actual arguments about them on this thread though, as that could lead to a lot of different arguments going on at once. (Assuming that this thread takes off.) If you want to debate a point made in depth, I think it would be better to start a new thread on it. Anyway:

- Discrimination on grounds of race is the same as discrimination on grounds of anything else that a person can't change, be it gender, sexuality, age, height, attractiveness etc. No worse, no better.

- The invasion of Iraq wasn't morally wrong, whether or not there were WMDs or not. Saddam was a tyrant who killed his own people and in the long run it will be better for the people that he is gone.

- North American sports that aren't hockey are dull.

I'll add some more upon reflection.
"I've shot you, Jeff. With a bullet made of Scottish finance regulations."
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