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Old 03-17-2007, 12:12 AM   #44
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3
Response to Bruce and Cloud

Bruce, you wrote that it's not about me or the production. I guess you're right, but on the other hand, I'm wondering what you assume "reimagining" means. The play is about 60 per cent translated into Tlingit, while the soliliquies and Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in their scenes together are in English. The idea being that there is a change when individuals choose to break from the group.

You see, it's not reimagined for its own sake-- the play does indeed highlight someone's fatal personal ambition. Putting others before the self is a huge value in the Tlingit culture.

I've been told by someone I respect, a poet named Robert Bringhurst, that you can dislike literature all you want, but it's like disliking food or air, if you don't use it you'll get sick. I think about this when folks try to use the old "dead white irrelevant man" argument for Shakespeare. Go ahead and dislike him, or "challenge the status quo". Your loss.

On the other hand, there are great, great poets, writers, artists, unrecognized. I'm thinking of the great oral poets of my area, in Southeast Alaska. Some are survived in texts waiting to be retranslated over and over again for each new generation, and perhaps read by those who learn the original language. I hope, as we gain more recognition, and bring out new artists, that we can bring out that side of the culture.

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