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Old 03-16-2007, 04:31 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 1,555
I'm a middle school kid again

How do you dance with girls? Approach them, get them to notice you, get their interest in you.

Many of you know I recently broke up with my girl last week, so tonight I was gonna show the world how over her I am.

Fucked it up. Went to this bar/club where I danced with not 5, not 10 but 0 girls. Didn't even have the balls to get in the position to make a move. I'm so used to having a girlfriend and not worry about "prospects" that I totally realized I am no where being over my ex. I called her while I was there, told her I wasn't having a good time and still loved her (let the jokes roll). But I know things ultimately won't work out, but still I miss having her. That's why I went to the club tonite, to start to figure out how to be single, except it made me feel even more emo and lame.
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