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Old 03-15-2007, 07:41 PM   #9
The Prodigal Brat Returneth
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: North Cackalacky
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I'm not going to get baited into an argument...but this is my opinion on matters.

If it was could be regulated and sold either via prescription or otc. Either way, people can make money off of it, and yes, taxes would be paid on it in states where sales taxes apply to prescription and otc meds.

It is not legal. Hence, no one can reap the benefits legally - and those who are greedy and evil (money=root of most evil if you look for it) - want that money, can't have it, and therefore, don't want anyone else to have it. Or benefit from it. (I believe that article stated she was also charged with money laundering (ohh, that's money) and tax evasion (ohh, that's money there too). )

Which agrees with Happy Monkey's statement regarding corporatists.

IMO, you're beating the religious horse a little too much. It's not ALL the fault of the religious right. (A lot of it, perhaps, but not everything).

The Constitution gives every American the right to make a total fool out of himself. But that doesn't mean you need to.

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