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Old 03-10-2007, 04:00 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by bluesdave View Post
tw, you are quite correct about fearing Pakistan, but I do not think you should dismiss Iran. You can also add Syria for that matter, though its influence is mainly in Lebanon and Palestine, and to a lesser extent, Iraq. There is no doubt in my mind that one day we will have to get out (of Iraq). What worries me, is: 1, the method of our withdrawal, and 2, what sort of mess will be left behind.
If falling for myths and lies from George Jr, then Syria and Iran are major threats. They weren't until George Jr decided to make them enemies. For example, what American ally was providing intelligence to the US? Syria. So when did Syria become this big menace? When George Jr decided to terminate the relationship by hyping 'black and white', 'good and evil', 'god told me what to do' rhetoric.

Iran was a cooperative nation while slowly doing as Libya was to become a closer friend of America. This infuriated the Project for a New American Century whose viewpoints are based in political agendas rather than in reality. Iran could not have been more cooperative after 11 September and the Afghan invasion. Did you know that or did you instead only hear lies from the George Jr administration? Do you know why Iran was so cooperative? Reasons could not have been more obvious.

Well Syria and Iran are a problem only because of a mental midget (actually Cheney) who sees evil everywhere - cannot view the world in perspectives. The Iranian reform movement? All but killed by George Jr's declaration of war - the axis of evil speech. But again, if you did not recognized that on the minute he gave that speech, then you did not yet grasp the world.

Neither Syria nor Iran is a threat any greater than the K'stan nations. Turkey is also a threat on the same scale because of Turkey's attitude towards Kurdistan and because America's second or third closest ally in NATO has become so anti-American thanks to the mental midget and his 'big dics'. Let's not forget Israel who will invade a nation at the 'drop of a hat' using the same logic that justified "Mission Accomplished". Israel is also a threat as serious as Syria and Iran.

By far, the most dangerous situation is Pakistan. Far more dangerous than any other nation in the region and maybe the most dangerous in the entire world. But again, it demands that one first discount all those George Jr myth and lies. That is not easy in an America that, for example, remains completely ignorant of a massive American military buildup apparently to attack someone next month. Why does the world know of this buildup when Americans do not? Why are my sources about this other 'surge' only from foreign sources - not from American sources? It demonstrates how easily the Americans are also fooled by myths about Syria and Iran.

Last year at this time, many Americans also foolishly believed N Korea was a threat. Again lies and myths from George Jr's administration. Notice that suddenly N Korea is now getting what it always wanted. Did you know what they were asking for? A return to the same agreement that Jimmy Carter negotiated back in mid 1990s. Did you notice this administration that destroyed that agreement is now suddenly restoring it? Why? Because the only thing that changed - George Jr's people finally saw some reality rather than know using wacko extremist 'big dic' thinking. China or South Korea may have finally brought sanity back to George Jr's administration. It certainly was not Cheney. And it certainly was not the lightweight Condi Rice.

Fears of Syria and Iran are just as unfounded once we remove George Jr propaganda. Yes, both are unacceptable to American principles. But then so are most nations in Africa that America is so supportive of. Need I name Nigeria? Why are we also not threatening Sudan that is far worse? Well again, what they won't tell you. We do back room deals with Sudan for information. Therefore Sudan really does not massacre anyone of consequence. Did you see the Sudan leaders laughing at the opening ceremonies for the UN when George Jr gave his speech denouncing Sudan? Do you know why they were laughing? If not, it also explains why they have you foolishly believing the myths about Iran and Syria.

I suspect almost everyone here has no idea how serious Pakistan really is. But again, how many still believe anything from the George Jr administration that routinely downplays that threat. It goes to what you use as news sources. I guarantee that anyone who defined Fox News as a news source has zero idea about anything above.
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