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Old 03-09-2007, 11:25 PM   #32
The future is unwritten
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Originally Posted by cowhead View Post
personally I love the double entandres and general twists of phrase, the beautiful flow of words. there in lies alot of the problem with 're-imagining' it. it lacks the lyrical quality and depth of the original, like a highschool choir covering queen... yeah it can be done.. and to some degree I think it ought to be tried to inspire and challenge the artists involved.. but should it be done in public? perhaps not. the themes presented in willies works are universal to all humanity and cultures, which is why the persevere and hopefully will continue to do so.

loves me some willie s.
That's what I thought, the unique language and word play defines Shakespeare more than the plot lines. That may be because the plot lines have been done so many ways, in so many mediums, they aren't unique to Willie's plays any more.

But then I'm told all that can change and still be Shakespeare. That's why I was trying to break down what makes Shakespeare, Shakespeare. But no help there, just nay sayers. I'm waiting for HM to tell us what the Tlingit show was like.
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