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Old 08-28-2001, 11:56 AM   #8
Paramour of Paradigm
Join Date: Jun 2001
Posts: 42
well since some of you guys are in philly...

I'd really like to know how some of the flyers fans who read the cellar feel abou this whole fiasco. I'm a HUGE hockey fan, and have been following this lindros thing extremely closely from a nice distance (St Louis).

First we should state that canada is composed of two types of people. French Canadians and the rest. Those two sets of people tolerate each other, but they don't necessarily like each other. As I understand it, that was lindros' main reason for not wanting to play for quebec. It's not that he wanted to play for an american team, he wanted to play for a non-french canadian team. He pulled almost the exact same stunt in juniors. But that's his right as a player, if he doesn't want to play for a given team, he doesn't have to sign a contract. Leave it up to the team, you can let him sit, or trade him and get something for him. But unlike Yashin, Lindros never refused to honor a contract. To his credit, he never went after the long term deal with all the guarenteed buckage, he played year to year. However, if I were a flyers fan, I'd say screw lindros, if you don't wanna play for my team, then believe me, I don't want you. Players come and go, the flyers have a history.

But what I'm interested in is how you guys feel about Bobby Clarke. My feeling is that he was really childish and vengeful throughout the whole ordeal. If I were a GM, I'd get rid of the distraction, the players are clearly caught in the middle, surely they like their teammate, but also owe loyalty to their club. Anyway, lindros I can take or leave, he clearly is an emotional guy and I respect that but you're gonna alienate people when you start picking who you'll play for. I think Bobby's an ass though. I think if I met lindros we might hit it off, but I don't think mr. clarke and I would get along.

As for the future of lindros, he'll do just fine in the big apple. He and the city of New York (including the media) have one very big thing in common, they all idolize messier. He just needs to worry about playing hockey and staying healthy, mess will handle the rest. This is a great opportunity for big E.
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