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Old 03-08-2007, 12:34 AM   #11
Aggregate Aggravator
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Posts: 17
Well, I for one have never had the misfortune to be indoctrinated into Christianity. In fact, I'd say my beliefs are incredibly progressive. I don't believe that Dante's Hell or anything anywhere close to it has ever existed or will exist. I believe that the teachings of Christ (New Testament) advocate the BEST possible way to live life...With the exception of all the added goodies like TV and The Cellar of course.

I strive to look at the Bible and it's teachings from a philosophical perspective that depends not on the Historical-Chronological-Narrative (correct term for the commonly used word "literal". got chewed out for using literal to much one day heh.) idea that so often becomes the center point for heated debate.

Between all of the books of the New Testament Christ references to hell but 14 times. In these references he speaks of a hell on earth, caused by the greed and ambition of man. Though my peers and I still discuss hell from time to time it is a general consensus that it is not a physical hell but a separation from God.

Anyways. I just can't see how this is intended to spur anything but the violence and discrimination that the author condemns Christians of in the beginning of his film.
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