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Old 02-16-2007, 05:57 PM   #18
I just look like I'm listening
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Texas
Posts: 39
Definitely scary. I was raped 14 years ago and swore I'd never put myself in a position of that kind of vulnerability again, and to my own dismay, I open my door to strangers all the time. That made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. I have two large, scary dogs in my house, but still.

That it happened is awful, but what happens for her now is probably worse. It will be a long time before she is comfortable being alone in her house again. For me, I had been at a party and drinking, and I was sticking around waiting until I was sober to drive home. A guy at the party stuck around and waited until no one else was around to attack me. To this day, I have to be with people I trust implicitly to drink to the point of losing any degree of control, and I never, ever let myself be left alone with strangers in that state. I've recovered well, all things considered, and I don't have any other hangups or lasting damage, but the lesson of how it came to happen has never been lost.

Rape is like herpes: everyone thinks that it doesn't affect anyone *they* know, but herpes affects 1 in 5 people and 1 in 3 women has been beaten, raped, or coerced into sex in her life.
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