Thread: The Draft
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Old 01-09-2003, 05:44 AM   #13
Constitutional Scholar
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Ocala, FL
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Mark this day on your calendar kids. Well all agree on something!!!

The draft is wrong for a host of reasons and on that we all seem to agree.

The only thing I can really add is my own comment to this:
The idea is that people would be less willing to accept a war if they knew that kid upstairs was going to be conscripted.
I think conscription makes us MORE likely to get into wars because politicians know they no longer have to justify the wars they are starting, (not that GWB has justified his imperialistic aggression toward Iraq). They wouldn't have to worry about our ability to fight the unconstitutional wars of aggression they start for imperialistic means because they'd know we have a steady stream of young people ready to die at their whim.

If they must justify their aggression and provide genuine, valid, and constitutional reasons to go to war, we will have less wars.

The government doesn't own us and can't make decisions regarding our lives or deaths no matter how desperate the situation. The people of America have NEVER failed to volunteer in sufficient numbers to DEFEND America.
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