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Old 02-09-2007, 04:13 AM   #13
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by DanaC View Post
This whole incident is tragic and has been handled appallingly. I feel sorry though for the two soldiers at the centre of this. They must feel terrible.
Did you see the man interviewed in the pilot's home town on ITV last night?

I'm paraphrasing here but he said something along the lines of the pilot was a hero, America needed more heroes like him and so did the world. America was trying to stamp out terrorism and our whole little country and all of Europe too needed to stop sucking our thumbs like we did in World War 2. America didn't need our help as they knew we couldn't communicate, move and shoot at the same time, but they needed our cooperation.....

It was deeply unpleasant to watch, but what annoyed me was the fact that ITV chose to broadcast it. I doubt they could have found a more divisive clip to show if they'd scripted it themselves. Why they feel people goaded into a knee-jerk us-and-them reaction (both the man interviewed and those watching) will help the matter I don't know.
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