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Old 02-05-2007, 07:47 PM   #46
spring of my discontent
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 45
Originally Posted by rkzenrage View Post
I've dealt with depression my whole life.
What works for me is trying to stay in the moment, keep the goals that you focus on most of the time in the immediate. It really helps, at least for me.
When I start looking at large things, like my past or the "future" it is very depressing. Focusing on things that are closer to now, things I can actually DO something about does not feel so oppressive or overwhelming. "This is something I am doing" feels good, no matter what it is, gardening, home project, planning a trip, a class at the local college/community college/library, it does not matter... just something.
Now, I am NOT saying that something trite like a hobby or class will cure depression... I am saying that dealing in the now and doing something positive on a regular basis helps.
It also helped me in my marriage when we where having problems. Gave me something to focus on other than our "stuff" all the time. Kept it from festering and helped me be objective and look at things from her perspective... say "I was wrong" or "I don't think I was wrong, but this is why" in a calm, non-threatening way, a lot more.
Dude, please know, this is not advice... it is just what has worked/is working for me.
This sounds a lot like The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, a book I partially read but really should finish reading. It's a lot of Zen and shutting your mind off to only use it when necessary, hence no meaningless thought like fear, regret, whatever.

Thanks for the reminder. . . if nothing else, it's an interesting read. Just sitting and breathing deeply, taking breaks to think about the text when prompted seemed to calm and soothe my nerves when I felt especially down. Maybe it can help someone else, too.
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