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Old 02-03-2007, 10:25 AM   #35
~~Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.~~
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I just bought 2 house thermometers day before yesterday. The weather has been uncharacteristically cold and we can't keep a consistent temperature in here it seems. We too have been asking ourselves" Is it cold or is it cold?"

My findings. Night time temperature is 60 degrees. I turn up the heat in the morning and it warms to 70 degrees. I would prefer a temp of 72 but the baseboards don't stop until about 75 which starts to feel like summer temperatures and I get too hot.Sometimes it even creeps to 78 degrees then the heat bill gets too hot to handle. The patio door area stays 60 degrees regardless of the warmth at the interior of the room. The huge picture window here as well feels the chill so this is where our drafts are comming from obviously~! Now my need to know has been answered and I can just put on my warm slippers.

Did any of our answers help juju?
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