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Old 02-01-2007, 09:23 AM   #17
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Arkansas
Posts: 7,661
Me I have had a few times in my life that I have thought about it ,
My mother , well for as long as I can rember every few years she tried some thing stupid , like takeing a handfull of codean , only problem was that she was alergec to codeen , so she pucked it all up , etc,,,,,,,

My father did put his lights out ( when I was about 5 ) , I have never gotten a streight story about that ( depression , or an afair ( or 2 ) tax dept etc,,,,) , Mom suposedly copyed his note( yeah RIGHT) and burned it ( she was the queen of SPIN , and a hell of a minuplater ), then every few years she would get out the note and tearfully read it to us , then with in a few weeks or days she would end up in the hospitol with tubes in her arms ,
Or her best friend ( /lover ) would try to do something stupid ,,,

A few years ago my sister May have tryed , her hubby druged him self to death over a few year period , then she wraped her Ford ranger around a tree at 100mph pluss , no skid marks from brakes , just WHAM !!! She broke both legs , and hips , broke her jaw in a few places destroyed her right elbow , and Fucked up her head , she wasn't right befor that and she is WAY not right .

The only way I would put my lights out is if I had an incurable cancer or some such , being eaten away from the inside .

Then the question comes up ,

If you did HOW WOULD YOU DO IT ,
Quick and messy or slow and clean ???

Sorry for the long post , just had LOTS of esperence with this subject .
"Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get. "
Brother Dave Gardner
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