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Old 02-01-2007, 12:37 AM   #499
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Originally Posted by tw View Post
Who are loyal supporters of George Jr? A bi-partisan senate resolution will condemn this president's denial of reality on "Mission Accomplished". Mental midget's supporters would block that vote. So who so hate America as to do that? From the NY Times of 30 Jan 2007: Susan Collins of Maine is one of the Republicans who takes centrist positions – who repeatedly demonstrates basic intelligence rather than loyalty to party liars. Why would McCain support liars?

We have the solution created by people without a political agenda. People who can think logically and who work for America rather than for wacko political extremists: the Iraq Study Group. This report was widely critical of Maliki using logic rather than a promise from god. IOW George Jr (and Cheney) lied again. ISG solution means defeat of "Mission Accomplished" might occur on George Jr's watch. George Jr's legacy is more important. Prolong the war. Lie to the nation. We are but fodder for his legacy.

"Mission Accomplished" will be completely decided by end of 2007. Also obvious is a major - a most important - point from the ISG. The only way that Iraqis can obtain peace is training. What do we know? Iraqis get almost no training despite administration (and Rush Limbaugh) lies. Where armor was required, we gave them pickup trucks. Iraqis were not even provided Chevy Suburbans. So where is all that money going? Most all weapons and equipment as provided has disappeared. Just like in Vietnam, major provider of Vietcong weapons was the United States. That was how incompetent Westmoreland was and how incompetent George Jr’s administration is today.

We have less than one year to train them and get out. After 2007, it will be even worse. Any longer and the conflict may expand into neighboring nations. If that is not obvious, well, did you hear why Turkey wants to (and may be encouraged by George Jr) to invade northern Iraq – especially Kirkuk.

We spent tens of $billions and no one knows where all that money went. Even the senate finally sees reality. But McCain and Graham demonstrate Urbane Guerrilla denial. They would even block a non-binding vote to protect a shitbag president. Maybe god talks to others besides George Jr?
That is not why we are about to get out.
Of course they are talking about getting out of Iraq...
The law is about to pass giving us the oil and natural gas and he just got the extra troops to secure it... duh.
That was the whole reason for us being there.
Now that they got it, fuck the Iraqis.
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