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Old 01-26-2007, 11:36 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by tw View Post
Where is the fact that associates Hinkle and Cook with PETA? If Osama bin Laden says he is a member of PETA, does that also prove that PETA destroyed the WTC? Yesman065 has again automatically declared something as fact.
tw - PETA was linked with the Taliban back in '97 and as you yourself said they were a danger to all animalkind - although you spelled it wrong, as usual. It is also clear and accepted that PETA was helping to smuggle weapons grade uranium in the corpses of the animals they euthanized in an attempt to provide Al Qaeda with the necessary component for an attack on the US. Additionally, if you haven't been keeping up with the trial, PETA was linked to Iraq, Osama Bin Laden, Afghanistan, Hezbollah, the DNC and several other terrorist organizations. They were an integral part of the first attempt on the WTC and successful in supplying the insurgents in Iraq with small arms and munitions - really man where have you been?
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