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Old 01-24-2007, 08:37 AM   #125
Junior Master Dwellar
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Kingdom of Atlantia
Posts: 2,979
part 3....

I dont see how that is your biz thats what i was told
from a consernd person who knowes you and has spoken
to you that person told me to watch my ass cus you
were up to somthing and from the questions you asked
me last time we spoke i have reson to beleave that
court may be your chosen cors of action in this matter
cus from what i know you think im not responibal enuff
to have a kid and you think the childs mother is a
slut who sleeps around so i think you think you have
grounds to do this and its somthing i think you might
try and do it dont matter were i hurd it or who i hurd
it from what matters is i hurd it so im coming to the
person its about to get a strait forwerd adult answer
if you dont want to answer the quest thats fine ill
assume the worst and start to take the steps to keep
my child from the mother and you becuse i dont think
its right for you to try and raise my child in the way
you like to raise children i want my child raised my
way and that is a way you and the mother will not like
you would like it more then the mother but you would
still not like it cus its a few things you did not do
with me and i see i would have come out better if you
would to do theis things the mother does not agree
with the way i have planed to rais my kid so i will
have to take the child from her and her parents by
legal force and if i must to keep you out of this and
to stop you from trying to get in all of this bull
shit drama i will do what i think is needed to keep
you the farthest away from my kid cus right now the
mother is a less thret to me then you cus i already
have her ass in the frying pan but to keep you out of
this will be a bit harder now im not saying you wont
see it i am not saying it wont know of you but i will
not let it get any were near the bull shit between me
and you and any thing we have and still do disagree on
i have spoken with dad he is not realy happy about any
of this but if i mind my Ps and Qs i think he might be
willing to help me with this if i ask it of him cus he
has already given me advise about my question
still stands. Are you trying or going to try to take
me to court for the custudy of my child? If you fear
that the mother is going to be a problem trust me she
wont be cus i have many aces up my sleave that no one
knowes of i have spoken with her doc and i have spoken
with her family i know every thing she does and i have
every thing she does on recorder and on legal
documentation to with my word I fuck her life over to
a point of she will never have my kid less i give
consent and i wont so now this is between me and you
and if you are as involved in this as i think you want
to be then i now have somthing to start planing and
conter act what ever you might throw at me now i love
you your my mommy do we get along real well NO you say
stuff that makes me mad and i say stuff that makes you
T Totaly pissed but there is comen ground some were
and it just needs to be found and i dont think it will
be in any of my relation ships my love life or my
socel life so what i think we need to do is find some
comen ground and start from there. Im geting off
topice " Dont change the subject just answer the
fucken question" LOL any way im at the library and i
got like 5 min left on this computer so ill check my
mail saterday see if you got this by then ill talk to
ya later By the way if its a Boy his name will be
Alexander Lee if its a Girl it will be Elizabith Rose.
Love YA talk to Ya later Peace out
My reply:
If someone is saying something about me, it's my biz.
The fact that you won't name names means you're lying.
When you choose to answer my question, I'll answer yours.

Then I got this, the last one so far.


Fine you want names it was Sam the girl you spoke to
the night i called you at the wedding when she hung up
after talking to you the first thing she told me is
your mom said she is going to try and take every one
to court and take the baby now being that this info is
coming from her i dont know what to beleave she could
have twisted your words so this is my reason for
coming to you with this cus then i can get a strait
answer and know for sure being that its from her she
could just be trying to make me draw all my atention
to you knowing we dont get along now do i realy care
that you take her to court for what ever right now i
dont realy give a flying fuck but if you want my kid
im telling ya now lock on your horns good and hard cus
we guna but heads and being this is my child i wont
give in i wont give it to you i will not let it go
throw a shit life full of lies betrail and abandenment
like i have i will not alow my child to be raised in
any way shap or form like i was my child will always
know his real family my child will have contact with
who he/she wants and nothing family wise will be with
held from him/her you do not know of what is taking
place down here so in my mind you will lie to it make
up storys and the child will grow to beleave you are
right and it will grow to hate the parents like i have
grown to hate my father from you and your storys for
over 10 years you have poisend my mind from your own
hate and iscust for people i refuse to allow my child
to come in to this world with out some one will stand
by it for ever and eternity and you have shown me
threw your own acts that when things get bad you
abanden the problem or run from it you dont solve any
problems you leave them and hope your life gets better
i wont let you do it to my kid i have taken the first
few steps on to a new road there is no turning back
there is no runing from my problems now my question is
what do you do and were do you stand in this behind me
watching or in my way making me have to fight you and
every one else. my list of freands grows thin thats
what i was looking for when i called you last and what
i got was rood arigent bitching from the one person i
thought would be abel to help the most cus you were in
a simelar situation but still not the same all i get
is shes a hoe leave her and run go far far away and
dont look back if that is your addvise then im telling
you now im not taking it i did not run when every one
who could hurt me was told i did not run when she left
i did not run when i finaly saw that not one damn
person on this planet is on my side i stand alone
going agenst many and now when i look like i have
already lost when i stand alone i will fight for what
i see to right and no one can stop me i wont let any
thing stand in my way so help me or leave me and if
you leave dont be shocked when i dont look back.
Well, The Boy knows how to push my buttons.
Now, you guys know what his father did, from the previous posts, and I never lied to the boy, ever.

I haven't replied to this email, because I don't even know where to start.

No, I haven't handled things as I would have liked to all the time, but still, ... just.... ugh.

So. Am I crazy? A bad mother? Completely wrong? How should I respond? Should I respond at all? Suggestions?

Impotentes defendere libertatem non possunt.

"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth."
~Franklin D. Roosevelt
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