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Old 01-03-2003, 02:03 AM   #56
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 5,075
To quit negotiation is a fine tactic when you're in a position with time to spare, and where time will cause your opponent's position to deteriorate.
*sighs* I don't entirely agree with tw but the sunshine policy S Korea has been taking has been more positive than anything else and has seem positive cahnges, if small ones. I don't see the point of such a confrontational strategy, which is a huge risk if they do ahve a nuke, or even if they don't. The country may be a joke but they still have a huge army. Unless George wants to test out the fight two wars and win claim or something.

When it comes to diplomacy N Korea is the world's retarded child but this strategy still seems well...pointless to me.
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- Twain
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