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Old 01-15-2007, 08:11 PM   #12
Join Date: Apr 2006
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Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla View Post
...and if you know anything about Christianity as decent people practice it....
Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla View Post
Nazi websites insist they're just plain great folks too, you know.

You know, UG, if we were at WAR then calling them POWs and treating them as such would be a great thing to do.

We aren't at war. The war on terror is no more a war than the war on drugs. We don't go around rounding up Columbian coca famers and holding them indefinitely without charge, and torturing them, because that would be illegal and immoral. Charging the prisoners as terrorists or murderers, putting them on a trial by jury, and LEGALLY imprisoning them is completely acceptable. Holding them without charge, suspending Habeus Corpus, and torturing them, is not. It is a breach of EVERYONE's freedom when the government is given free reign to do this kind of thing. You may trust the government with your life - I don't. When the government is allowed to capture and torture as they please, it won't be long before they do it to their own citizens, too. All they have to do is mumble something about a terrorist threat, and they can do as they please. If the government decides the ACLU is a 'subversive terrorist threat' because they disagree with their pro-freedom views, they can just lock the whole lot of them up and throw away the key.

ANYBODY that calls themself 'pro-human' should oppose that. Giving the government more and more power can only lead to a repeat of the thirties and forties.
not really back, you didn't see me, i was never here shhhhhh
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