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Old 01-15-2007, 02:28 AM   #28
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Tonchi
I'm surprised at your response. You missed the original conversation here, over a year ago, which led to my remark.
I'm surprised at your recollection. You related that story to me in a PM; though, not quite in the same context you present it here. I thought the remark improper at that time; but, didn't say anything because it was history and I didn't expect that mistake to be made again.

As for your other evaluation, I am even more surprised. Because YOUR opinions and suggestions were always appreciated and forwarded on, it is not easy to understand why you simply didn't communicate your feelings directly if you saw a problem instead of just slamming the door and then venting here.
The change in venue was necessary. There, you are in charge and correspondingly less flexible (in the direction in which you guide both the forum and the club). I've lost confidence in your vision for them based upon some of your decisions and stated positions. My aforementioned evaluation of the underlying cause for your disposition warrants discontinuation of personal correspondence; however, I'm still posting here, I'm still posting there, and I will continue to interact with you in both places - out in the open.

Sound principles were applied to this decision; however, I'm not going to elaborate on them. Going back to an earlier level of our interaction works for me. You may choose to ignore me if you wish. Rest assured that I won't do anything to undermine your authority there; but, I will speak my mind here regardless of the consequences to you. Now, aren't you glad I chose to "vent" (as you so simplistically put it) here?!
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