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Old 01-12-2007, 10:11 PM   #6
The future is unwritten
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OK, I've got it now.... it is Google. set this up to make money (for charity) on this website the same way Google ads do. They are paying Google the $25,000 a month or more to do the searching, and expect to reap more than that from the ads, to pay Google, the operating expenses and do the charitable work.
Admirable goal and can be done, if people buy into it.
I wonder how they choose what projects to attempt?

Aside, a lot of companies use Google for their internal searches, by contract. Boeing does, Google sets it up so only authorized people can access sometimes secret and always sensitive internal info. I've seen websites and on line catalogs use Google too. I read an article a year or two ago that said not all the sites that use them have the Google logo next to the search box. But if it's there, they're paying Google at least $25k a month.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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