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Old 01-12-2007, 08:13 PM   #142
The future is unwritten
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Originally Posted by bluecuracao View Post
Hmm, a little condescending and assumptive...but I still love you.

Do not fear, Bruce. Many women of influence are on the same page with you on the subject of a balanced society--plus we also have plenty of ladies whose agendas fall on either side of the balance. Many women want the toys, too. And it's not just women who strive for utopia.

That's what feminism is about--that women are regular human beings, regardless of intelligence or position.
Condescending, not at all, just showing how history dictates that strength is necessary.
Assumptive? Maybe... there's no sure way for me to know what someone else is thinking. I can only go by what they communicate.

When men get together for a beer, I never hear one say, wishfully, why do we have to fight, why can't we all get along?
But, I do hear women taking pot shots about how if they were in power instead of men, there wouldn't be any wars and all that defense money could be spent on social improvements.
Now these are both gross generalizations, but both statements are the distilled impression I have, gleaned from 60 years of observation.

Feminism = equality, doesn't it?
Flirting and sexual tension aside, I've been for that since it appeared in the sixties. OK, I was aware of the sweet old ladies going to jail so you could vote. And growing up in the 40s and 50s, I saw a lot of cruel patriarchs. But in the 1964 my wife worked for an Insurance Company in Boston that required women to wear nylons and not smoke in, or near, the building.... when men smoked at their desks. That ain't right. So when the movement came to the forefront, it was awfully hard for a reasonable and rational human being to argue with the premise. It's right, it's fair, it's just.

That said, in practice it's not so easy. Equal pay, equal opportunity, equal consideration are pretty straight forward. But, I keep running into women that have a different take on the details. Some want equal treatment but want to keep certain privileges, whereas some will punch you for attempting to open a door for them.

If a woman says she is in favor of X and I say I disagree, I favor Y. Then she says why is it you men never understand, never get it? Well, wtf. Why did I bother considering X? Why am I genetically defective because I don't agree?
You see, I'm having trouble determining where feminism draws the line on what the constitutes the difference between opinion and sexist opinion.
If I don't say I disagree because your a woman, why should you make that assumption?

Back to the subject. Women are the majority, if the country is moving in the wrong direction, it's your fault. Oww, unfair? Because women are not all the same and fall on both sides of any debate? Well, the same goes for men, so I don't want to hear, you men, blah, blah, blah.
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