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Old 01-05-2007, 02:25 PM   #427
Urbane Guerrilla
Person who doesn't update the user title
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Originally Posted by tw View Post
From ABC News of 4 Jan 2007 or why Urbane Guerrilla has a president he adores:
Actually George Jr is correct. Another president - Nixon - did open mail without judicial review. . . (that Urbane Guerrilla also adored) be impeached.
This is not why I "adore" the President, as you should very well know, but never do know, tw. It is your perpetual, oft-demonstrated inability to get these things right that persuades me you're none too bright -- in political matters at any rate. Nonetheless, valiant in your ignorance, you go on until you go down in flames, never learning the least lesson. Are you then a booby or a target drone?

Nixon was regarded in 1968 as being a strong man on foreign policy. A good man at foreign policy is what's wanted in a state of war, Congressionally declared or not. He quite upheld his reputation there.

You'll recall the Democratic candidate was George McGovern. That George had nothing (theoretically anyway -- I was seventeen at the time he was running) to offer me that would make me, and as it turned out forty-nine of the fifty states, want him in the Oval Office. That looks like history's vindication to me.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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