Thread: Senator Bigot
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Old 12-21-2002, 04:28 AM   #24
Hubris Boy
Keymaster of Gozer
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Re: An opinion

Originally posted by sycamore
Any chance of the Republicans pulling more than 9% of the African-American vote are gone for probably a decade.
Heh. Like there was any chance of that even before the recent unpleasantness with Mr. Lott?


The black vote is not to be fucked with.
The black vote can be fucked with with impunity, Syc.

To the extent that there is a monolithic "black vote", that vote is firmly in the hip pockets of the Democrats. The Democrats know that, and so do the Republicans. And you know what? The Republicans don't care.

Let's face it: blacks are only, what... 11% to 12% of the total US population? And if current trends in immigration and in the birth rate among Hispanics remain constant, that percentage will decline.

Moreover, voter turnout among blacks is even lower than the already abysmal average for Americans who can't be bothered to drag their sorry asses to a polling place once every two years. For reasons I'm not sure anybody understands (and for our purpose here they really don't matter), blacks just don't vote in large numbers.

Do you know what the Republicans learned from the last two elections? They learned that they don't need the black vote to win.

The DNC-NAACP Axis of Evil came out swinging with everything they had back in 2000, and they still couldn't get the Gore Robot elected. Hell, he couldn't even carry his home state.

Last month, the local "black establishment" down here worked itself into a frenzy trying to get Bobby Kennedy's daughter elected governor of one of the most solidly Democratic states in the nation. And they couldn't crack the nut. Maryland has a shiny new Republican governor for the first time in over 30 years.

Those are just two examples, but I think you see where I'm going with this.

The black vote doesn't matter, Syc. I'm not sure it ever did. It's the Hispanic vote that causes pollsters and political strategists to wake up screaming and drenched in cold sweat.

Jesus! If those people ever figure out where the polling place is, we'll all be in trouble!
"Never understimate the power of stupid people in large groups."
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