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Old 12-15-2006, 12:24 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Houston TX
Posts: 1,857
Taking my dad to the urologist

Funny thing about this caretaker role. Today was my dad's appt. with his urologist. Dad is 90 and has minor prostate cancer. he gets and exam every 4 months and usually has to have a shot that decreases his testosterone to keep any cancerous cells from developing, only side effect is hot flashes.

Anyway as he is blind I take him to his appointments and this was no different except that I had to take him in the little room and hold the cup for him to pea in as he is blind. I had to help him pull his underware up and his pants as it was not his usual bathroom. I wondered who will take me to the doctor when I am old.

We take our eyesight so much for granted. I often think how well he has adapted to being blind but also how dependent he is on others for things like getting out and to appointments or to church or the pool (he tries to swim 1/2 mile every week or so). But blindness really limits your independence.

Sorry, ramdom thoughts here. Getting old can really suck!
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