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Old 12-18-2002, 08:47 PM   #11
Your last resort.
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Los Angeles, California, USA
Posts: 10
yes, they do in exist. (suitcase nukes that is)

I saw a documentary recently that said the United States had produced about 200 of them during the cold war. No pictures were shown so I don't know if they're actually in a suitcase like format, but they refer to them as 'man portable' as in one man. It was also mentioned that a number had been produced by the USSR.

We're probably talking a couple of kilotons here. Not especially powerful, but psychologically devastating and you could get them places where conventional weapons cannot reach.

The documentary I got this from is called 'Trinity and Beyond.' I highly recommend it to anyone interested in the subject. It will frighten you though.

They spend a good deal of time discussing the technical aspects of nuclear devices and how they were developed. From the basic plutonium or uranium all the way to tritium/deuterium doping and the really big thermonuclear bombs. Interesting stuff.
...maybe next time.
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