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Old 08-15-2001, 11:35 AM   #11
kaleidoscopic ziggurat
Coronation Incarnate
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 90
frankly i think its just too damn bad for the palestinians. emigrate to other arab lands.

if i'm not mistaken, there was no such thing as a "palestinian" 100 years ago. they don't have a specific culture unique to them that sets them apart from other arabs. they're just arabs that happened to be in the area of the world that britain named palestine. might be wrong here though, but that's what i've heard.

i mean, arafat is an egyptian. anything wrong with this picture?

everyone got hostile and tried to attack the israelis. lives were lost, but land was gained... in that fact, it is remarkable. they overcame. spoils go to the victor, and the losers are just being cry-babies.

war is always bad... but the kind of terrorism the palestinian extremists are engaging in is LOW LOW LOW... specifically picking targets to maximize the amount of children dead? SHAME. but everyone is guilty in this affair unfortunatly... victims of circumstance perhaps but the cycle is not being broken. what can be done except sit back & watch?

gulf war II, coming to a theatre near yoooou.
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