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Old 12-18-2002, 05:40 PM   #19
Posts: n/a
Well, the insurance folks are being good sports. They gave me $3,000 to get a new PowerBook. So that's what I'm writing this from.

The head of the community watch is going to be keeping an eye out for Tinkerbell. She is also posting the flyer to the community Yahoo! group (who knew?) and hopefully something will turn out. First thing tomorrow, I'm going to call the human society/animal shelter and let them know that I'm looking for my cat and give them a description. Perhaps I'll get lucky and someone will find her and turn her in. She's got a flea collar and doesn't look like a stray, so I doubt they'd put her down any time soon.

That's really all that's going on. The people came today to take my equipment, but they were not prepared for how much we had. So they took dad's today and they're coming back for mine tomorrow. I have at least 10 computers that are going to need to go - joy!

I miss Shadow a lot. He was the biggest pain in the ass of a cat that I've ever known, but he was friendly and loving as I've ever known an animal to be. Jen and I raised him since he was four weeks old and we're the only parents he knows. He is definitely missed. I hope he's in kitty heaven hissing at all the vacuum cleaners.
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