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Old 12-07-2006, 09:47 PM   #151
~~Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.~~
Join Date: Apr 2006
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The answer to the original question is no.

I took aerodynamics in high school and even though I squeeked by with a D due to a terrific Huey camofluage model I made I did learn something and that is a plane needs lift to fly.

Since ditching my flying career I have forgoten the little I did learn so
I went and made sure so I found proof.

Straight and Level Flight
In order for an airplane to fly straight and level, the following relationships must be true:
Thrust = Drag
Lift = Weight
If, for any reason, the amount of drag becomes larger than the amount of thrust, the plane will slow down. If the thrust is increased so that it is greater than the drag, the plane will speed up.

Similarly, if the amount of lift drops below the weight of the airplane, the plane will descend. By increasing the lift, the pilot can make the airplane climb.
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