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Old 11-24-2006, 04:33 PM   #4
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Houston TX
Posts: 1,857
Several years back I attended a Boy Scout campout with my son's troop. My younger son was about 12 and I guess I never realized how well we had kept the illusion of Santa Claus delivering presents alive for him. He and another kid were bunking in the tent next to mine, and I overheard them talking after "lights out" was called. They were talking about people they thought were important or heros. The other boy who was black, said his hero was President Kennedy. My son said his hero was Santa Claus because he gave away so many presents.

The other kid said, "I don't believe in Santa anymore."
My son replied, " I know there has to be a Santa because my parents are too cheap to give us the kind of gifts we get at Christmas!"

I almost died laughing to myself.
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