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Old 11-23-2006, 01:11 AM   #27
I can hear my ears
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Originally Posted by farfromhome
I wanted to find a hole in your logic, but couldn't. But I sense no empathy. No concern for those being left behind. There's millions of us former blue collar workers who used to make a living wage who are (not) now. People who like being active. Like working with their hands. But through the rapidly changing demographics of the global economy are finding choices narrowed to an extremely uncomfortable margin.
what? rapidly changing demographics?

i think what you were saying is that there are people that have lost blue collar jobs because companies have moved their manufacturing outside of the country? well, yeah. that's true. these people did not aspire to be factory workers, though. they did not go to school to learn how to join a union and get paid too much for menial, mindless labor. they got jobs. it was enough. they made a living. bills got paid. everybody's working for the weekend.

who ever told them that they were entitled to an income commensurate with a middle class standard of living for doing a job that could be performed by lower class talent? the jobs that have been outsourced are those that CAN be. trades and skilled labor are as secure as ever, if not more. In my personal experience, i have had difficulty getting a plumber, an hvac service, a general contractor....... it seems like the 'blue' collar worker has a gun to the head of the 'white' collar worker when it comes to service that the 'white' collar worker needs to have done. and they are very well paid for having the skill and knowledge that they have to do the work they do.

you ask if there is room for those that don;t have the dog eat dog mentality? sure. at the bottom, there's plenty of room. this is a free country. do what you want.

if you are happy eating, breathing and sleeping for 80 or so years, it doesn't require a whole lot of effort in america. if you want more, you'll have to earn it.

remember. in other countries, not having the dog eat dog mentality means that you will probably get eaten.
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Embrace this moment, remember
We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion ~MJKeenan
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